Sunday, November 4, 2012

Through the eyes of a child...

Sundays are the happiest day of my week :) i get to be in the amazing atmosphere of God AND see my little angels who make me just so so happy. They really do.... Their hugs are as warm as...hmmm... the comforter on my bed, the only difference is the comforter warms my skin and the former warms my heart. (ok please forgive me for the bad analogy lol)

Have you had little kids tell you stories of what they did in their week? Little Ikiia told me last week that she and her friend at school had dug up and found a sparkly diamond in the ground and they hid it in a special place at school and every day they're going to check up on it ! This week, she told me she spent her week catching pretty butterflies and setting them free again. Sometimes I feel like our lives are so boring compared to theirs. I don't know about you, but when someone asks me what I've done with my week, all i can say is...groceries, hospital, uni, and repeat the same thing every week on replay. I mean, how many of us would say, I saw a snail with a shiny shell or I saw a cloud in the shape of a cat? That's because we probably never even noticed them to begin with... How many of us would look at something sparkly on the ground and think it's a precious gem and pick it up? We'd all just kick it aside thinking it's glass broken from some bottle of alcohol or we'll get some nasty infection if we touched it. How many of us see the beauty in a butterfly and stop two seconds to see it rest on a flower? We'd all just walk past because we're too busy rushing to our destination. I know that it's probably true, i mean, it probably IS just a broken piece of glass...but I guess what I mean is, kids see the world so differently that sometimes I wish I still could see things the way they did. Through the eyes of a child. I think most of us as adults, we'd probably say, that's because we have bigger things to worry about, like exams, work, finance, appointments, problems...or maybe we'd argue that, well, we know better now, or that that stage for us has passed. But I sometimes wonder if it's even possible for us to reach that level of amazement about anything anymore. I think the older we get, the higher the threshold to be amazed gets. Plus, we're all just too caught up in this world of technology and era of gadgets that we fail to notice the beautiful sky God painted or the pretty butterfly He created. 

So my little prayer for us all including myself is this, that we can stop and appreciate life a little more often...even if it's just for 10 seconds. That we take some time to notice the creations of the maker of this Universe because our time on this planet is short. Take some time to love and laugh and live. And most importantly, that our threshold to be amazed in life will be lowered that we may begin to see things through the eyes of a child once more :) 

This is the song of my soul for today, Anj', over and out (and back to the books lol!)

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